005 – Psychological First Aid

Monday, 19th September 2016 (4pm-7pm)

When terrible things happen in our city/country, we want to reach out to help those who are affected. This workshop introduces Psychological First Aid (PFA), which means providing humane, supportive and practical help to those who have suffered. This is based on a guide prepared by the World Health Organization and includes both, psychological and social support.

This workshop will help you understand what and how to say and do for people who are very distressed. It will also give you information on how to approach a difficult situation safely (for yourselves and others) and not to cause harm by your actions.
Please note that the theme for World Mental Health Day on 8th October 2016 is also “Psychological First Aid”.

Please register!

Work Plan

1. Introduction
2. What is Psychological first aid (PFA) (Large group discussion)
3. Who, where, when of PFA (Small group activity)
4. Action principles of Psychological first aid (Presentation)
5. Case scenarios (Small group activity)
6. Good Communication Exercise (Role play)
7. Ethical Do’s and Don’ts (Small group discussion)
8. Caring for yourselves (Large Group Discussion)
9. Q&A and Feedback