Pehli Kiran Schools

A school-based psychosocial programme, for mental/emotional wellbeing of students and staff, to create a more effective learning environment.
A joint collaboration between Meditrina, Cities for Children & Pehli Kiran School System


Needs Assessment workshop
29th-30th May 2015

To assess needs for psychosocial support and mental health care for the staff and children at PKSS.

First training session
“Learning Disability: Detecting and Managing at School.”
25 July 2015
Participants: 20 teachers & managers

The Pehli Kiran school teachers work in a challenging urban slum environment, with communities of mixed ethnicity. Often, they encounter serious problems dealing with children who disrupt the classrooms or exhibit aggressive behaviour.
The objectives were for teachers to come away with the ability to recognize general learning disability; to differentiate between different kinds of “slow learners;” and to be able to deal better with both learning and behavioral difficulties.
Following this workshop, the teachers were able to identify why children act in certain ways – and how it is possible to modify behavior without resorting to corporal punishment.
2nd training session
A case-based, hands-on training session:"Working with teachers"
31st October 2015

The teachers identified difficult cases, engaged families and presented these cases. The mental health professionals demonstrated a step-by-step assessment of children who struggle to keep up with other children their age; exploring a child's development, home environment, parent's health, classroom dynamics etc.

It was a stimulating and interactive experience, at the end of which the teachers felt more confident about their skills to identify and deal with these problems.